Parul Vahanvati
Born in Indore, india. spoilt rotten as an only child, she came to her senses when she left home to pursue her studies. She holds a Masters degree in industrial design, although her second choice as a profession (after an undergraduate stint with architecture), it suits her to work on a smaller scale. Has always worked for small firms in Mumbai and New York, as she says, big corporate environments give her the “yikes”. Passionate about what she does, she believes in Rayden’s way of thinking to make design a way of life.
To her travelling is not an excuse but a means of learning and gathering experiences. In her words – “I have been blessed with umpteen experiences good and bad, all of which have taught me something.” Watching people interests her and she is certain they are key in solving most problems around us. She loves laughter and is adamant that it helps her stay healthier. Strongly believes that no idea is complete until put to action. She is married to her best friend and is a mother of an adorable little son. She keeps the studio clean!

Mooshir Vahanvati
Despite cosmic efforts to push him towards the medical profession, Mooshir started his educational journey as an Engineer only to end up as an artist. In between this transition he realised his love for Design as well as all things creative.
Which goes on to say that he has a Bachelors in Computer Engineering, a Masters in Visual Communication and a Masters from ITP, NYU. He is an Inlaks scholar and his works have been displayed across many galleries in New York, Barcelona and Ireland. He is also passionate about teaching and contributes to the Interaction design course at IDC, IIT Bombay.
Mooshir can cut silence with his hmmms, yet he is the rock that holds Rayden firmly. To him there is nothing that cannot be done, every deadline is achievable and time holds its breath when he works.
He is fond of listening to music and making everyone else listen to it, which unfortunately doesn’t make him the most liked person, especially on scores of Italian opera.

Abha Deshpande
Abha is a young designer who graduated from NIFT Gandhinagar in textile design in 2011 and had a butterfly romance with a few delightful jobs, which included down-to-earth apparel with Appliques’ at salty shores of Mithapur as well as high flying and obscenely expensive lehengas and all for the Royal court families.
The post-grad was hard earned after a few years due to educational torture called exams & submissions. The diploma project, though was much fun, with cloth rolls of her design actually made into production.
Abha can make you roll with laughter in the way she messes up the jokes and punchlines, loves stories and generally hates rules, regulations and in general anything that comes in the way of fun. Can faint at the idea of blood test. Superb fighter, don’t ever insult her pet dog(s).

Isha Kudale
Although Isha’s quiet and reserved demeanour might make her seem shy and hesitant, it’s all a front to the fearless product designer lurking within. However, this also means that Isha can take a little longer to bring her ideas to life, as she is constantly striving for perfection in her work. Despite her tendency to be cautious, Isha’s love for exploring new design approaches and experimenting with different mediums shows that she isn’t afraid to take risks and push the boundaries. And while she may be scared of the dark and prefer not to be alone, she is a total sucker for horror movies, always up for a good scare. In Isha, you’ll find a designer who is not only committed to delivering top-quality products, but also a person who brings a unique blend of caution, and courage to everything she does. When not geeking out over the latest art and design innovations, you can often find Isha indulging in her love for desserts or basking in the sun during the winter months.