The concept of this project is to investigate the induced behavior of personal objects.

What if these seemingly inert pieces came to life? Had innate personalities? What if they gave us a reason to interact with them? Would our study table be happy to see us, or hate us if I cluttered it? Will our mirror always show us our true self, or will it show us our “true” self? Will our table lamp greet me when I come home at night? The overall aim of this project has been to make our everyday interactions with the objects around us more emotional and less mechanical. Maximus is envisioned as a pet robotic table lamp with a personality. He retains the same form as that of a standard table lamp but exhibits behavior and emotions. Not only does Maximus react to his surroundings, but also reflects on his own reactions and changes behavior. The project aims at finding personalities in everyday objects. Table lamps being a close personal object allows for such an opportunity.


Alumnium & Acrylic


Black, yellow




300 x 300 x 450 mm

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